Why Hurt People Hurt People

An entire discipline related to trauma-related disorders and syndromes now exists in the mental health realm. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) is perhaps the most known among non-professionals. The ramifications and tenacles of trauma, mental health scientists and professionals are continuously learning, is extremely far-reaching in the psychological make-up of individuals who have suffered it. Moreover, the numbers and demographics of those suffering from various forms and degrees of trauma-related mental health problems are staggering and astounding. The number one result of trauma to the human psyche, simply stated, is an inner “hurt” or “pain.” And the most common result of that hurt or pain is that “hurt people hurt people.” While mental health practitioners are worthy of great respect and recognition for their labor to recognize and attempts to help people suffering from trauma-related maladies, those of us who serve the Champion of our Salvation, the Great Deliverer, the Lord Jesus Christ, know that the only real “CURE” comes from the Lord! “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord, SHALL BE DELIVERED!” the Word of God states categorically! This article Joseph Mattera delineates some very insightful common traits of those operating out of hurt and pain.

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