
Tag: church leaders

Functional Vs. Titular Church Leadership

Through the years, I have observed various types of leadership styles as well as how people operate within the flow of leadership titles. I have found that those who attempt to lead merely through their official title have little or no respect in the organization. This is not to say that titles are unimportant; titles are useful in the military, politics, business, and the police department, not only to depict who is responsible for what task but to explain their job description. However, in the context of the business and the church world, continually touting one’s title is often unnecessary since relational leadership trumps hierarchical leadership more often than not in these contexts. In the context of Christianity, the church went from a functional style of leadership in the first two centuries to a hierarchical form of leadership.

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Twenty-five Signs You Are Leading from Your Dark Side

May God help us to not lead from insecurity, through manipulation, or for personal ambition! Here are 25 practical examples that indicate when someone is leading from their dark side.

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Demigod Leaders

WARNING! God’s putting His prophetic finger on a major problem plaguing the Church Jesus is building! Celebrity cult-status leaders — who act like spiritual divas and present themselves as demigods, based in arrogance, ascendancy, supremacy, and narcissism that has convinced them they are better and above everyone else — are on the rise in the American Church. You’ve seen them…they’re so important that, like “gangsta” subculture “homies” or mob mafiosos, they must be accompanied by an entourage of sycophants and bodyguards wherever they go to enforce their inaccessibility—even to peers, staff, and collegues—and to reinforce their self-proclaimed status and public image. Unaccountable islands to themselves who can’t be bothered with the mere plebian masses. “Wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever,” Jude called their ilk.

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Egotism and Narcissism in Ministry

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