
Tag: gay marriage

SCOTUS Justices Will Have to Answer to the Ultimate Supreme Judge

We know we must stand because there is another Judge, a higher Judge who is also the Lawgiver and the one who kept the Law perfectly on our behalf as Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ is no fallen ideologue who should have recused Himself before rendering a lawless judgment. No, His moral law is holy, perfect, right and eternal, and His judgments are always perfect. And on that final day, He will judge the world in righteousness: You, me, your neighbor and yes, those Supreme Court justices, too.

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Michael Brown Answers Jars of Clay Leader’s Pro Gay Marriage Tweets

Beginning on Tuesday, April 21st, Dan Haseltine, front-man for the popular Christian band Jars of Clay, took to Twitter to announce his apparent support for same-sex “marriage.” And for the life of him, he can’t figure out a single good reason to oppose it. In a series of tweets posted over a three-day period, and prompted by a movie he watched while in flight, he wrote: “The treatment of people as less than human based on the color of skin is crazy… Or gender, or sexual orientation for that matter.”

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Is it Time to Throw in the Towel?

Republican leaders have capitulated, pro-family pundits have caved, and gay activists have announced that their struggle for equality is just about over. Is it time for biblical conservatives to throw in the towel?

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Jesus and Same-Sex Marriage: Whose Side Is He On?

Throughout history, Jesus has been used to justify everything from the Crusades to the Spanish Inquisition to the suppression of women. Today, many on the social and political left, including President Obama, seek to use Jesus to justify their support of same-sex marriage. This should not be surprising, because Jesus is the greatest single moral authority of human history and if He can be seen as being on the side of same-sex marriage, then the proponents will likely win the day. Proponents of same-sex marriage cannot, of course, point to any specific statement of Jesus advocating or even tolerating their position, so they focus on his emphases on love and tolerance. On the matter of same-sex marriage, Jesus did make His position very clear, but one has to get beyond the superficial, political posturing to see it. Once we understand His position, it is then up to us to decide if we are going to be on His side or the side of popular, contemporary culture. We are free to choose, but our choice will have consequences.

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