
Tag: Abortion


After the United States Army liberated the German concentration camps, General Eisenhower viewed the incomprehensible horror. His reaction was to make every soldier in the area come and see it for themselves.

When he was asked why he had subjected these men to such savagery and why he forced them to view images which they could never wash from their minds, he said this, “We are told that the American soldier does not know what he was fighting for. Now, at least he will know what he is fighting against.”

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Powerless To Win The Abortion War!

Thus, the sin and evil of abortion simply cannot be overcome, halted, or even deterred by any means of civil demonstrations, protests, or expressions of evil. Evil cannot overcome evil. Evil is incapable of defeating evil. Evil-doing only begets more evil, which in time becomes exponential reproduction of evil, which is precisely what the result is with abortion, particularly in the African-American community and culture. Bottom-line is that it is evil spirits and their commander, the devil, who is possessed with a murderous hatred for God’s Mankind Creation that cannot be accurately quantified or expressed, behind abortion. Thus, no amount of protesting, picketing, organizing, or pontificating about civil rights issues, no matter how right, righteous, and just, will ever stem the tide of or win the battle against abortion. It will never work, and the proof is in the fact that it never has yet.

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Tide Finally Turned In Abortion War

The pro-aborts are losing. They know it, and they hate it. Indeed, the winds of life are blowing free the foul stench of a pro-abortion culture of death. This is why President Obama and his fellow pro-abort zealot, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, have unilaterally, arbitrarily and unconstitutionally forced, through Obamacare, every taxpaying American citizen to fund “free” abortion-on-demand.

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We Need God In America Again

The question is, what are we, as people of light, going to do about it? Are we going to sit back, having been muzzled by the politically correct opponents? We cannot continue to be asleep in the light while our nation declines in the dark!

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Abortion and the Campaign for Immorality

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The Hidden Cause Behind America’s Economic Collapse

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